Friday, August 13, 2021

The Secret Algorithm Used by Online Poker Sites

  It is no unnamed that online poker sites use an big amount of security and encryption to guard their software from poker bots, colluders, and cheaters. However, one everyday they can not protect is the deterministic algorithms they use in their software that decides the result of hands. Furthermore, any person that knows the algorithms can easily and handily win more often in online poker.

Why are they using algorithms anyway?

Do you know about dewapoker?

Initially, online poker sites had no obsession for subsidiary algorithms used to 'level the ground' as the easy use of a random number generator (RNG) would appear to produce a fair shuffle and seemingly accurate game. However in 2001, after several programmers were clever to agree to breathe the flaws of the RNG and the inability of the RNG to manufacture an allowable comfortable number of random decks, (thereby making it straightforward to predict the flop, approach, and river), the online poker sites had to make changes.

After several changes were made in the seed generation of the RNG and unfriendly events taken to produce a wider variety of random deck sequences, the online poker sites faced a unconventional problem - collusion and cheating by unprincipled players. This tormented was addressed taking into account a relationship set of algorithms that would produce a fair game by preventing colluding using sequential deterministic algorithms.


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